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Expert mail februar 2020

Dear Readers,

Today, we are discussing the sliding bushings of the system stirrups for the NEURO SWING H2O system ankle joint. These are now directly integrated into the system stirrups. Find out what this means for you in today's issue.

With best regards from Lüneburg,

Your FIOR & GENTZ team

NEURO SWING H2O System Stirrups with integrated Sliding Bushings

In the past, the sliding bushings of the NEURO SWING H2O system stirrups were only available as accessory parts. If the bore of a system stirrup was worn out, a bronze repair bushing could be ordered. The hole in the system stirrup had to be bored and reamed before the repair bushing could be inserted.

As the sliding bushings are now an integral part of the NEURO SWING H2O system stirrups, there no longer is any wear on the bore of the system stirrup. For maintenance work, you only need to replace the sliding bushing with a repair bushing. This product change also reduces the wear on the bearing nut. This results in a lower workload and higher quality at the same time.

You can find the repair bushings in our product catalogue System Joints and Articulated System Side Bars as well as in our webshop.

This product change has already been realised

for all straight NEURO SWING H2O system stirrups. The conversion of the system stirrups that are bent outwards will be completed shortly. However, changing the rivet stirrups in the system widths 12, 16 and 20mm as well as the thermoformage stirrups in the system widths 12 and 14mm requires a little more time.

Have you or your patient noticed an increased noise development? For further questions, please contact

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