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Newsletter evomove

From now on, you can look forward to the following innovations in the operation of the new evomove® app

  • Even more intuitive operation: the configuration of the evomove® now runs even more effectively and smoothly thanks to optimized screens.

  • Training mode: the "Modules" button on the home screen takes users to training mode. This gives them the opportunity to train with the evomove® and the stimulation you have configured even on less active days. The muscle group(s) and the time period can be selected by the user as required. You as the partner need to activate the training mode via the device settings in the expert area. (Important: This function is only available with the new firmware version).

  • BLE' less- mode: in the device settings in the expert area there is also the possibility to activate the BLE' less mode for the user. This means that the stimulation remains active for up to two hours, even though the operating device, e.g. smartphone, is not carried along. The users are thus more independent if required, but we still recommend carrying the smartphone for safety reasons. (Important: This function is only availabl with the new firmware version!)

  • Evomove® app for the Apple Watch: By installing the evomove® app on an Apple Watch, users now have a discreet operating device suitable for everyday use to wear on their wrist. It also contains all the new features (e.g. training mode) and thus fits perfectly into our family of operating devices. The "Arm operating" unit can be purchased from us as part of an evomove® supply.

The new evomove® app version is available to you immediately through an automatic installation, so you don't have to do anything else. The new firmware version will be installed on your evomove® control units during the service maintenance interval after 24 months or if required by a field service representative.

More detailed information about the new functions can be found as usual at the appropriate place behind the info buttons (i) in the evomove® app or please contact Jørn or Sissel.

Already discovered our new video? Here you and potential users get a compact overview of the functionality and features of our multi-talent, the evomove®.

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Åpningstider: Man – Fre, 08:00 – 16:00

Org.nummer: 922 018 863
Juridisk navn: Ortopartner AS
Hovedkontor: Peter Jebsens veg 17, Etasje M, 5265 Ytre Arna
Leveringsadresse: Fabrikkvegen 1, Bygg B, 5265 Ytre Arna

©2019 by Ortopartner

Jørn Kvamme: +47 97 16 07 67 -
Sissel Gulaker: +47 91 16 68 96 -
Christian Grant Hetland: +47 90 07 56 12 -

Marius Kvamme: +47 48 06 40 75 -
Øysten Løland: +47 91 90 30 93 -
Kosta Stanic: +47 47 37 38 64 -

Ortopartner AS er fra og med 29.03.2021 sertifisert som Miljøfyrtårn. Miljøfyrtårn er den første nasjonale ordningen i Europa som er blitt anerkjent av EU. Det er et bevis på at ordningen holder høy miljøstandard og kvalitet på linje med internasjonale merkeordninger (EMAS og ISO 14001)

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