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Choose the right liner

Socket comfort: complete range from liners to compression therapy

With a large selection of silicone and gel liners, application aids, (“shrinkers”) stump socks and care accessories for socket comfort, Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH provides a high-quality complete range in the field of lower limb prosthetics. All products are characterised by the use of first-class materials, a high level of functionality and long-term durability. Numerous improved product properties ensure even more stability and comfort when wearing lower limb prostheses. All the items in our range are perfectly tailored to be used together and also help specialists to respond to individual user requests. Depending on the user profile, the linersapplication aids and stump socks are available in various designs and in many sizes.

Improved functionality with the following features

  • new design and circular knitting technology

  • new PrimoSil.basic liner model for geriatric prosthetic care

  • improved fit and easy to use

  • optimised cushioning properties in all Contex gel liner models

  • new soft, silicone rotation caps

  • orientation line in colour, serial number knitted into the fabric

  • antibacterial properties


  • Silicone Liners 15 – 25

  • Gel Liners 26 – 31

  • Application Aids 32 – 37

  • Care Products & Accessories 38 – 39

  • Stump Socks 40 – 57

  • Explanation of symbols 58

Would you like to give us feedback or do you have further questions?

Please contact +47 97 16 07 67 -


Åpningstider: Man – Fre, 08:00 – 16:00

Org.nummer: 922 018 863
Juridisk navn: Ortopartner AS
Hovedkontor: Peter Jebsens veg 17, Etasje M, 5265 Ytre Arna
Leveringsadresse: Fabrikkvegen 1, Bygg B, 5265 Ytre Arna

©2019 by Ortopartner

Jørn Kvamme: +47 97 16 07 67 -
Sissel Gulaker: +47 91 16 68 96 -
Christian Grant Hetland: +47 90 07 56 12 -

Marius Kvamme: +47 48 06 40 75 -
Øysten Løland: +47 91 90 30 93 -
Kosta Stanic: +47 47 37 38 64 -

Ortopartner AS er fra og med 29.03.2021 sertifisert som Miljøfyrtårn. Miljøfyrtårn er den første nasjonale ordningen i Europa som er blitt anerkjent av EU. Det er et bevis på at ordningen holder høy miljøstandard og kvalitet på linje med internasjonale merkeordninger (EMAS og ISO 14001)

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