Wears a Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis (KAFO) since the Diagnosis “Incomplete Paraplegia”
Family Life with Orthosis
Going for a walk, climbing stairs or driving a car are common activities for most people. Thanks to the orthosis, Jarno has also regained his independence. Together with his family, he can arrange his life and his daily routine as he pleases.
My Orthoses
Five months after his accident, Jarno received his first orthosis. Ten years later, he can evaluate the technical development from his point of view. In this video, he shares his experiences.
Physiotherapy with Orthosis
Movement is healing. Movement is mobility. Most people take for granted what a patient first has to regain after an accident or with an illness. Physiotherapy actively supports restoring and maintaining bodily functions. To Jarno, physiotherapy is a part of his daily life.
Jarno’s Path with Orthosis
Jarno is in his early 40s now. Almost 10 years ago, his current life seemed inconceivable to him. Back then, he was diagnosed with incomplete paraplegia. Today, he is able to walk again with his orthosis. Here, he tells his story.
Sports with Orthosis
By coincidence, Jarno has discovered handcycling. Since then, he covers many kilometres per year with his bike. To him, it is a sporty balance to his daily life.